Missoula Shopping Spree

It may be October, but it’s not too early to start thinking about the holidays. They’ll be upon us before you know it.
Many folks in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming live in the country, hours from the closest city. For these people, holiday shopping involves the internet or a road trip. We hope you’ll choose the road trip, and come spend a few days at our Missoula, Montana, Bed and Breakfast.
Missoula has an eclectic community. There are wizened cowboys and bespeckled intellectuals, avid outdoorsmen and creative artists, and a lively mix of all of the above. Shops have sprouted up to cater to this  diverse population; it makes for interesting shopping.
Our Missoula Bed and Breakfast hosts many guests who come to town each November and December to shop. Internet shopping is convenient, but it’s somehow not as satisfying or fun as walking up and down a street, popping into one shop after the next. Plus, everyone can go on line from anywhere and find the same product. Not everyone has the opportunity to shop in Missoula.
Some of our favorite Missoula stores include:

  • Fact and Fiction: fantastic bookstore.
  • Bird’s Nest Books: another fantastic bookstore, with rare books.
  • Butterfly Herbs: eclectic items from jewelry to coffee mugs.
  • Fair Trade Store: clothing, musical instruments and jewelry from around the world.
  • Monte Dolack Gallery: features the work of Dolack and other Montana artists.
  • Pirnie Art Showroom: unique work by Larry Pirnie and others.
  • Red Rooster Trading: a super kitchen and bath shop.
  • Army Navy Economy Store: full of treasures, if you’re willing to look.


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