Celebrating Montana through Dance

We think Montana is an incredible place. Guests of our Missoula Bed and Breakfast will notice many family heirlooms that reveal our Montana heritage, and we are always happy to share family – and Montana – lore. We love to hear how our guests experience Montana.

It should be no surprise, then, that we are looking forward to the upcoming performance of The Montana Suite, by the Headwaters Dance Company.
The Montana Suite has been four years in the making. Each year, a professional choreographer from outside of Montana has been invited to create a dance based on experiences in a particular area of the state. The choreographers traveled to Montana, met with locals, and read works of fiction and non-fiction about the place. They then collaborated with Montana composers and created dances about their experiences.
February 4, 2010, marks the premier of this historic work. The Montana Suite will debut with a Gala, Silent Auction and Benefit Concert. Three of the four composers will be on hand for a post-performance discussion (the fourth will be touring in China).
Evening performances Friday and Saturday are at 7:30, with an additional matinee on Saturday at 2pm. What promises to be interesting talks on “the effect of place on identity and outsider’s perspective” will take place from 4 – 5:30 on Saturday at the Missoula Art Museum. Speakers are Bill Bevis, Judy Blunt, Debra Earling and Pat Williams.
Whether we know it or not, if we live in Montana, we helped shape this work. We hope people will pour in from all around the state to see the premier of The Montana Suite before it goes on tour. Stay a night or two at our Missoula lodging – just fifteen minutes from the MCT Center for the Performing Arts – and take advantage of all Missoula has to offer while you are here.