Who, hoo-hoo was recently seen…
At Blue Mountain Bed and Breakfast?
GIVE A HOOT! Use the CLUES to help you CHOOSE! Hint: it’s one of these three beautiful birds pictured above.
(Follow these clues to help you figure out
Who-hoo, hoo has been hangin’ at the inn!)
Category A. Many Fine Friends…
FACT: Nestled on 20 acres of registered wildlife habitat, Blue Mountain B&B offers lodging to a variety of guests! Along with people, migratory birds are actually among the most common guests at the bed and breakfast and birding is a favorite past time activity for many Blue Mountain visitors.
FACT: There are quite a few permanent residents that call Blue Mountain their home as well. One particular resident, who is often said to be both wise and whimsical, is spotted on various occasions.
Yep, you’re lookin’ at me baby!
And… I’m lookin’ at YOU, Hoo, Hoo, too- even though you probably don’t know it!
Clue #1: Although I’m found throughout North America, I’m not a migratory bird. I’m a home-body and not just an overnight guest. I’m one of Blue Mountain’s long-standing fine Feathered Friends!
Clue # 2: Because I’m a permanent resident, I’ve been seen several times in the past few years at the inn. You are most likely to see me at dusk.
Category B. Eye-ology…
FACT: Unlike my other feathered friends, my eyes are adapted to my needs as a nocturnal predator!
Clue #3: My eyes are large (almost human-sized). Better to see you with, especially at night.
Clue #4: My eyes are set in front of my head instead of to the side. Better to find you with because… I’m a predator looking for tasty prey. If you’re a bunny you’d better get out of my way!
Clue #5: Some people say I look cat-like and wise as I stare forward into the night. Only my head can rotate, while my eyes stare straight out ahead.
Category C. Favorite Hang-outs at the Inn…
FACT: This year I was first seen by Brady and Elaine on August 5, 2012.
Time: dusk Habitat: ponderosa pine forest.
They used the following link to register their sighting and you can TOO hoo, hoo!
Clue #6: On several occasions, I’ve been seen on the archway and signs leading up to the b&b. Where do you think I’ll be found next?
… WHO WILL next spot me? Could it be YOU?
Category D. Swift but Silent…
FACT: Elaine said the following about a relative of mine Whooo lives further up on Blue Mountain…
“One of the most amazing experiences I’ve had while hiking on the south side of Blue Mountain was to be followed by this species of owl. Maybe I was too close to its nesting sight, I don’t know. I remember hiking a few feet and seeing movement out of the corner of my eye. I’d walk further and again I would be followed. It was magical knowing that I was being watched from above the trees by a creature that made no sound what so ever.”
Clue #7: I can fly silently from tree to tree even with a wing span of 44 inches! If you ask me, this is quite the FEET for being one of the world’s largest owls.
Category E. Breakfast for the Birds…
FACT: It’s been said that Blue Mountain Bed and Breakfast offers tasty treats to many different critters.
Clue #8: I have a big appetite and find everything from beetles to bunnies quite tasty.
FACT: Not to worry bed and breakfast guests! Brady says that humans have more refined tastes, and one thing I know about your chef is that he aims to please!
Clue #9: Remember, I’m a resident and have to find my own dinner. Mice, birds and even skunks are on my menu. Bet you’re glad they aren’t on yours.

Category F. Who, Who? It’s Your Final Clue…
FACT: This is the only owl species that the innkeepers have actually seen on their property.
Clue #10: I am not named according to my eyes, my size or where I might live, but rather by those interesting tufts on my head!
YOU GOT IT… I’m Blue Mountain B&B’s very own Gr___ ___ t H___ ___ ___ ed Owl!
Keeper of the Night
You emerge at dusk on silent wings
Owning the night with your unknown presence
Eyes piercing through darkness, talons ready
Keeper of the forest and of knowledge
Keeper of magic and mystery, of darkness and of light
Perched among pine trees
Bathed by the moon
Tonight, amongst shadows
The outwitted coyote goes hungry
-Elaine Anderson-Wood (2012)
OWL WISDOM– additional fun-filled facts!
I. Great things to know about GREAT HORNED OWLS:
Learn more about Great Horned Owls from National Geographic.
Boggle your mind with information about Great Horned Owl biology.
Brush up on Great Horned Owl nesting facts.
See Montana State’s Great Horned Owl video.
Uncover what Montana Outdoors says about Great Horned Owls.
II. Feelin’ Owlie? Whooo’s Whoo? GENERAL OWL INFORMATION:
Look at what our “neighbors” at the Ninepipes Owl Research Institute are doing.
Learn about the owl research that goes on at Conserve Montana.
Snowy Owls storm Montana! It was in the news.
Photos by Kate Davis. Enjoy a few shots here and then purchase one of her books in our gift shop or a local store.
Visit the large Montana directory of bird related information.
Enjoy some raptor reading and photos by local author and speaker Kate Davis at Raptors of the Rockies.
Bird Migration Celebration in Montana? Yes, find out more information so you can go!
Montana Audubon Society– join the ranks.
Great Horned Owl by Karen C. Vanderlaan
The Owl by Edward Thomas
A Barred Owl by Richard Wilbur
The Owl and the Pussy-Cat by Edward Lear
Owl Poetry for Children by The Reading Lady